Which Type of Airport Noise Are You Experiencing?

IMPORTANT NOTE: Form submissions from this web page are forwarded to this website’s administrator who forwards them to the Martin County Commission and Witham Field’s Airport Manager anonymously using a proxy server. Except for that information which you provide here, this website does not collect or distribute any of your private or identifying information. When we forward your complaint, we’ll remove your actual address (using only your street name) and last name (using only your last initial).

If your airport noise complaint is NOT relative to aircraft arriving or departing Witham Field aka Martin County Airport in Stuart, Martin County, Florida, please do not use this form, as the form’s recipients are unable to assist you.

Too Many Planes or Continuous Airplane Noise

For complaints of noise for multiple aircraft, circling aircraft, or multiple circling aircraft occurring over any extended period of time. If you can provide the number of times the same aircraft has flown over or the number of planes during the given time frame, include it in the Additional Information box.

Information to be Submitted:

Too Many/Continuous Planes Over ResidenceAlso Loud Over ResidenceAlso Low Over Residence

Enter Times Airplane Noise Started and Ended:


By clicking the Submit button, you affirm that the information above is accurate and truthful and you acknowledge that this report will be submitted to the County Commission and Airport Manager on your behalf.

One Aircraft Low, Loud, or During Curfew

For complaints of a single aircraft which is flying low, exceptionally loud over a residence, and/or during voluntary curfew hours (between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m.).

Note: This report may be forwarded to the FAA for action, if you're able to provide identifying information, such as the aircraft's tail number. You may use the Flight Aware website to identify flights which are documented (optional).

Information to be Submitted:

Check at least one box and as many boxes as apply:
Loud Over ResidenceLow Over ResidenceCurfew Violation

Time of Low-Flying Aircraft or Loud Aircraft Incident:

By clicking the Submit button, you affirm that the information above is accurate and truthful and you acknowledge that this report will be submitted to the County Commission and Airport Manager on your behalf.

Please submit suggestions for improvement to website administrator here.